Welcome to the website of the Bruer family in Australia

A Family Tree marking the arrival of Jeffrey James and Ada Kate Bruer in Australia in 1878 ... and tracing their descendants.

Jeffrey Ada
Jeffrey and Ada disembarked at Port Adelaide on January 10, 1878, to begin their new life in Australia. With them was toddler Mabel who was born in England, and two-month old Vernon, born on the voyage off St. Helena in the Atlantic.

Little did Jeffrey and Ada know that they would create a mini-dynasty . . . .

Here we are, 126 years later. There have been 209 descendants, settling in all mainland States and Territories of this vast country. Some of these descendants have passed on, but as the years roll by, there will be more and more Australians who can claim to have Bruer blood in their veins.

A great achievement from humble beginnings. Jeffrey and Ada went on to have 12 children, seven girls and five boys, and because of this Tree, we are able to trace our way backwards (and forwards) in the greater family. The descendants can do so with pride!

-- May, 2004

On this Website you will find:

  • The Bruer Family Tree, showing all descendants of Jeffrey and Ada in Australia.
  • Related Families, showing all the surnames of families into which Bruers have married in Australia.
  • The Tragic Story of Alice Bruer, a shadow across the early days of the family in Australia.
  • Pictures of the first Bruers in Australia, and the ship that brought them from England.
  • Other Information about our name and ties to a desolate spot in Lincolnshire.
  • Our historic photo gallery New photos!.

If you find any information on this website that is incorrect, or have additional interesting stories and photos, we would love to hear from you. Just send us an email.

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